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Glossary of Terms
Written by Tom Williams
Updated over a year ago



Active vacation rentals are those that had at least one calendar day classified as reserved or available during the reporting period

Active Listing Nights

Count of nights within a given period that are not blocked, and are either reserved, or available as long as there has been a reservation within the last 28 days.


A popular online short-term rental marketplace (sometimes referred to as an OTA) where hosts can list their STR and guests can rent listings

Airbnb Accuracy Rating

Average guest rating of the accuracy of the ad for the property out of 10

Airbnb Checkin Rating

Average guest rating of the ease of check-in of the property out of 10

Airbnb Cleanliness Rating

Average guest rating for the cleanliness of the property out of 10

Airbnb Communication Rating

Average guest rating of host communication out of 10

Airbnb Host ID

Unique Airbnb host ID ( will bring up the host profile

Airbnb Listing Main Image URL

Link to the main vacation rental listing image on Airbnb

Airbnb Listing URL

Link to the vacation rental listing on Airbnb

Airbnb Location Rating

Average guest rating of the location of the property out of 10

Airbnb Property ID

Unique property ID assigned by Airbnb. will bring up the Airbnb vacation rental listing

Airbnb Property Plus

True or False depending on whether the property earned the Airbnb “Plus” badge for high-quality property

Airbnb Superhost

True or False depending if the host is a Superhost on Airbnb

Airbnb Response Time

The average host response rate for new inquiries and reservation requests from a guest.


The amenities published on the listing

Annual Revenue LTM (Native)

Last twelve months (LTM) or total monthly listing revenue, depending on report viewed, in native host currency. Includes cleaning fees but not other additional fees

Annual Revenue LTM (USD)

Last Twelve Months (LTM) or total monthly listing revenue, depending on report viewed, in USD. Includes cleaning fees but not other additional fees

Available Days

Total number of listing calendar days that were classified as available during the reporting period. Each calendar day is classified as either A = available, B = blocked, or R = reserved.

Available Listings

Total number of listings whose calendars had at least one day classified as available or reserved during the reporting period

Average Daily Rate (Native)

Average daily rate (ADR) of booked nights in USD. ADR = Total Revenue / Booked Nights. Includes cleaning fees.

Average Daily Rate (USD)

Average daily rate (ADR) of booked nights in USD. ADR = Total Revenue / Booked Nights

Average Value Rating

Average guest rating of the value of the property out of 10



Number of bathrooms in a vacation rental listing


Number of bedrooms in a vacation rental listing

Blocked Days

Total number of listing calendar days that were classified as blocked during the reporting period. Each calendar day is classified as either A = available, B = blocked, or R = reserved.

Booking Lead Time

The number of days in advance the reservation was made before the stay date.

Booked Date

Date that AirDNA picked up the booked reservation

Booked Listings

Total number of listings that had at least one reservation during the reporting period

Booking Trends

A forward-looking view of when bookings are being made and how far in advance

Budget (Price Tier)

The bottom 20% of listings in a market based on historical Average Daily Rate (ADR)


Calendar Last Updated

The last time the host updated their calendar

Cancellation Policy

Cancellation policy for the vacation rental listing

Check-in Time

Check-in time for the vacation rental listing

Checkout Time

Check-out time for the vacation rental listing


City where the vacation rental property is located

Cleaning Fee (Native)

Cleaning fee charged per reservation in the native currency chosen by the host

Cleaning Fee (USD)

Cleaning fee charged per reservation in US dollars

Count Available Days LTM

Total number of listing calendar days that were classified as available for reservation, but not actually booked during the last twelve months

Count Blocked Days LTM

Total number of listing calendar days that were classified as blocked from receiving a reservation during the last twelve months

Count Reservation Days LTM

Total number of listing calendar days that were classified as reserved during the last twelve months


Country where the vacation rental property is located

Created Date

The date the vacation rental listing was created

Currency (USD)

Currency in US dollars

Currency Native

Native currency chosen by the host



Date in the listing’s calendar

Demand (Listings)

Total number of vacation rental listings that were booked during the reporting period

Demand (Nights)

Total number of Booked Nights during the reporting period


Economy (Price Tier)

The second lowest 20% of listings in a market based on historical Average Daily Rate (ADR)

Entire Place

Type of listing in which guests have the whole home to themselves. This usually includes a bedroom, a bathroom, and a kitchen.

Exact Location

TRUE = Exact Coordinates of property. FALSE = Scrambled coordinates within a 500 metre radius for the host privacy

Extra People Fee (Native)

Extra people fee in native currency chosen by the host

Extra People Fee (USD)

Extra people fee in US dollars


Future Demand

Booked listings, booked rates and occupancy up to 6 months in the future.


HomeAway Listing Main Image URL

Link to the main vacation rental listing image on HomeAway

HomeAway Listing URL

Link to the vacation rental listing on HomeAway

HomeAway Location Type

The type of location of the Vrbo (HomeAway) listing

HomeAway Premier Partner

True or False depending if the HomeAway host is a Premier Partner

HomeAway Property ID

Unique HomeAway property ID will bring up the HomeAway listing

HomeAway Property Manager

Unique property manager ID (when available)

Hotel Comparable Listings

Studio and one bedroom Entire Home vacation rentals. AirDNA believes these are the type of listings most likely to compete directly with hotels.


Instantbook Enabled

True = the vacation rental property can be booked without any host/guest communication

Integrated Property Manager

Does the Vrbo (HomeAway) listing have a Property Manager?

Investment Explorer

Uncover the most profitable U.S. cities and make smarter investment decisions.


Last Scraped Date

The last date that our scrapers located the vacation rental listing. Each listing is scraped every three days.


Latitude of the vacation rental property


Airbnb / Vrbo license number

Listing Title

Title of the vacation rental listing

Listing Type

Three vacation rental listing types: Entire Home, Private Room, and Shared Room


Longitude of the vacation rental property


Last Twelve Months

Luxury (Price Tier)

The top 20% of listings in a market based on historical Average Daily Rate (ADR)


Market Grade

A calculation of a market based on rental demand, revenue growth, seasonality, regulation and investability.


The AirDNA flagship product featuring short-term rental research, dynamic pricing solutions and forward-looking pacing.

Market Rates

Average daily rates based on the number of active listings in your market.

Max Guests

The maximum number of guests the vacation rental property can accommodate

Metropolitan Statistical Area

Metropolitan statistical area of where the vacation rental property is located (US only)

Midscale (Price Tier)

The middle 20% of listings in a market based on historical Average Daily Rate (ADR)

Minimum Stay

The default minimum night stay required by host



Neighborhood where the vacation rental property is located, where available

Number of Reservations

Number of unique reservations during the last twelve months

Number of Reservations LTM

Number of unique reservations during the last twelve months. The length of a reservation may include one or more Booked Nights.

Number of Photos

Number of photos in a vacation rental listing

Number of Reviews

Total number of vacation rental listing reviews


Occupancy Rate

Occupancy Rate = Total Booked Days / Active Listing Nights

Occupancy Rate LTM

Occupancy Rate = Count of Reservation Days LTM / Active Listing Nights LTM

Online Travel Agency (OTA)

Online short-term rental listing marketplaces where hosts can directly list their properties and guests can book properties. Popular OTAs include Airbnb and Vrbo.

Overall Rating

Property = Average guest rating of the property out of 5. Ext Property = Average guest rating of the property out of 100


Price (Native)

Available or booked nightly rate in the native currency chosen by the host

Price (USD)

Available or booked nightly rate in US dollars

Price Tiers

Average Daily Rate Price Tiers in MarketMinder segments listings within a market into different price points; Budget, Economy, Midscale, Upscale, and Luxury. Learn more about how Price Tiers are defined.

Private Room

Type of listing in which guests have their own private room for sleeping. Other areas could be shared.

Professionally Managed

Listings managed by a professional vacation rental management company

Property ID

Unique id assigned by AirDNA for each vacation rental listing

Property Type

Types of accommodations

Pets Allowed

True or False depending on whether the property allows pets

Published Nightly Rate (USD)

Default nightly rate for a vacation rental listing in USD

Published Weekly Rate (USD)

Default weekly rate for a vacation rental listing in USD


Rate Analysis

Year over year comparison of booked vs available rate up to 6 months in the future.

Recommended Rates

By syncing your Airbnb or Vrbo listing, you can access dynamic pricing based on your vacation property.


The Airbnb Calculator that allows you to enter any address to view comparable rental properties, seasonal trends, and occupancy projections in one simple report.

Reporting Month

07/01/2017 = vacation rental performance during July 2017

Reservation Days

Total number of listing calendar days that were classified as reserved during the reporting period. Each calendar day is classified as either A = available, B = blocked, or R = reserved.

Reservation ID

This is an ID created by AirDNA to identify which reserved days pertain to a unique reservation

Response Rate

The percentage of new inquiries and reservation requests a host responds to (by either accepting/pre-approving or declining) within 24 hours

Revenue (Native)

Total revenue (in the native currency chosen by the host) earned during the reporting period. Includes the advertised price from the time of booking, as well as cleaning fees.

Revenue (USD)

Total revenue (in US dollars) earned during the reporting period. Includes the advertised price from the time of booking, as well as cleaning fees.


Revenue Per Available Rental = ADR * Occupancy Rate

Room Nights

Supply (listing calendar days classified as available or reserved) multiplied by the number of bedrooms in each vacation rental listing


Scraped During Month

True = listing was scraped during the month

Security Deposit (Native)

Security deposit in the native currency chosen by the host

Security Deposit (USD)

Security deposit in US dollars

Shared Room

Type of listing in which guests sleep in a bedroom or a common area that could be shared with others


State where the vacation rental property is located (US Markets Only)


A = Available, B = Blocked, R = Reserved

Supply (Listings)

Total number of vacation rental listings

Supply (Nights)

Total number of Available Nights and Booked Nights from Active Listings


Total Listings
The total number of listings that had calendar availability, booked, or blocked by the host at least 1 day in the last twelve months


Upscale (Price Tier)

The second highest 20% of listings in a market based on historical Average Daily Rate (ADR)


Vacation Rental

Another common term for short-term rentals. Rental homes typically listed for vacation or holiday stays.


An online short-term rental marketplace (sometimes referred to as an OTA) where hosts can list their STR and guests can rent listings

Vacation Rental Managers (VRM)

Professional companies that manage short-term rental units. VRMs may own the units they manage or manage them on behalf of owners.


Year-over-Year (YOY)

One year's data compared to the same timeframe during the previous year; or data changes from one year to the next



Zip code where the vacation rental property is located (US markets only)

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