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What is Performance Score?
Daniel Hilditch avatar
Written by Daniel Hilditch
Updated over a week ago

The Performance Score rates your listing on a scale from 10 to 100 (with 100 being the highest), showing how it compares to your Comp Set. The Comp Set is a list of comparable listings in your market that AirDNA has identified as your competitors. These listings are identified based on how close they are geographically to your property and how similar they are in bedroom, bathroom, and guest count.

Our algorithm takes forward-looking data for the next 6 months, including your Revenue (from future booked rates), Days Available (open calendar dates), Reserved Days (dates that are already booked) and Booking lead time (how many days in advance are bookings are being made).

The Performance Score also factors in your listing and your comps' future RevPAR.

RevPAR stands for Revenue Per Available Rental.

Listing RevPAR is calculated as Monthly Revenue / total number of listing nights available over the full month

For example, $3,400 revenue / 15 Listing nights available = $226 average RevPAR

Our algorithm calculates a value for every month and then multiplies it by the listing's RevPAR for that month.

The result of this calculation gives your listing a Performance score between 10 - 100 to benchmark against that of your Comps.

This Performance Score provides valuable insight into how well your listing is performing in terms of future bookings and how you are priced against your direct competition for future days.

Having a better understanding of how your listing is performing against your competition allows you to make adjustments to your strategy and identify areas of improvement.

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